We try to anticipate questions you might have about our services and provide the answers here. If you need additional information send email to covingtonspeechl@bellsouth.net.
What is the difference between speech and language?
Speech is the actual sound that is produced from our mouths or a communication device. It can be a word, phrase, sentence or conversation. Language is the thought behind our speech. It is how words are put together in sentences to express an idea or a thought.
What is the difference between receptive and expressive language?
Receptive language is the ability to understand the spoken or written language. Expressive language is the ability to formulate sentences in a cohesive manner to express thoughts.
My child's speech is very difficult to understand. How long with it take to correct it?
It is difficult to say how long it will take to correct the problem without knowing what the problem is; however, most children and adults start showing progress within the first month. The time it takes to correct the problem depends on various factors including severity and type and problem, motiviation, family support, and frequency of treatment.
What frequency of treatment is considered good?
Generally speaking, two to three times a week will usually show good results.
How can you treat swallowing problems?
It depends on what is causing the swallowing difficulty. Generally, swallowing problems are a result of stroke or other neurological problems. Treatment often involves exercises for the affected muscles and utilization of strategies and maneuvers to improve efficiency and safety of swallowing. In the case of children, some are very tactile-defensive and develop and aversion to solid food. Treatment depends on the reason for the swallowing problem and is usually a combination of exercises and activities to promote safe swallowing.
What are oral-motor problems?
Many children develop oral-motor problems because of weakness in the oral muscles. This can be a result of constant open-mouth posture or thumb or tongue sucking. Often, children have a tongue thrust or reverse swallow. Treatment involves a combination of exercises and activities to improve strength and coordination of oral muscles.
Does insurance cover speech therapy?
Check your insurance plan carefully. Many health plans cover speech therapy. However, benefits are determined by your plan and may range from unlimited visits and no referral needed from your physician to a set number of visits per calendar year. Most plans base speech therapy on the need for medical necessity. Therefore, it is a good idea to get your physician involved.
What kind of tests will be administered to my child?
It depends on the kind of problem they have. Usually, standardized tests are administered in combination with a detailed case history and clinical observation of the client. Family interviews are also conducted. Different kinds of problems warrant different kinds of tests. Careful thought is given to choose the individual tests and/or informal procedures to complete the evaluation.
I do not have insurance. What can I do?
Many clients are private pay. Each family decides what is affordable for them. A joint decision between the clinician and the family will assure that your benefits are considered and a reasonable therapy plan is established. Often, families help by doing some exercises at home to assure success.